Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Session c2 Unlocking Leadership Talent

Javier Bajer

On a 10 point scale look at you as a leader as how proud/ satisfied you are with the impact you have had over the world so far..?

Leadership development be more like yourself..

For years we have spent trying to be more like others

We profile ourselves to se how much we are not like xx famous people

The one thing leaders have in common is not style, but they are themselves. There is coherence between what they believe, say, do….

Only when we realise that talent lives in the individual the quicker the return on investment

Our goal is to unlock human talent – help them to be themselves

This is very different from where we have been developing people.

HSBC – have invested in leadership, they are reporting 50% increase in sales where this programme has been launched

Helping individuals to find themselves as a natural leader.

Individuals grow as their value as a leader, its about alignment

LAT leadership alignment tool…

Leadership – the ability to generate changes that add value





These things need to be aligned

The cost of staying misaligned is more than the change to get aligned. Doing this with many in the org at one time is a large lever for change

Opposite of leadership – victimship not being able to make anything happen but having a good reason for it

Victimship has an ongoing cost for you as a human being… how will this impact how you feel about your contribution?

If you want to see the real changes associated with leadership we need to get people out of victimship – and it is risky for those in it.

The minute we see challenges as a problem we are missing the point

The contextual stuff is exactly what we need for great leadership.

Forget about memorising the values.. based on what we do and HOW we do it what do you think the values are?

The brain is looking for patterns and this is critical – if we say look out for x things but only give y their brain feels trapped (thinking traps) – I,e all or nothing

Normal distribution – most of us fall in a normal boring world – the brain however like extremes.

The brain also over generalises..

The problem is when we over generalise in the negative – this can stop change in its tracks.

Fortune telling is another brain trap – “I know exactly what is going to happen”…the belief that I know the future stops people from trying change

When pushing resistance becomes a habit then you move towards the tipping point and culture change starts.

Take some of these concepts and start to challenge
Draft post

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