Monday, 14 March 2011
Training content for trainers
Are you a trainer looking for ready made training course materials?
Save your time and run that training course in hours not days.
Why spend days designing a course when 80% of a Ready-to-use course will work for your company - just change the language to meet your participants needs and adda logo - simple!
Training solutions are needed this week, with little time to prepare effectively. adapting a ready-made solution is the sensible option.
In addition it is not only trainers that are asked to design and deliver training courses, but HR and line managers.
With our ready made training materials it is all here for you, a complete kit:
Facilitators guide with icebreakers and how to lead training sessions
Leaders guide – step by step what to do and say
Participant packs & handouts – ready for you to print and hand out
PowerPoint slides ready for you to brand & customize
Certificates – ready to print
Activities, exercises and other resources as required
Most of our ready made & ready to use courses are half day duration, some are one day. They are easy to shorten or make longer as you need.
Friday, 20 November 2009
This blog is moving/ has moved to CIPD conference
Hi All, due to a little lack of planning on my behalf (or lack of research) I failed to move the posts to the new address before the conference. In essence I did not realise that you could rename these blogs or relocate existing content - so some more rapid learning when I returned from the conference tonight.
All of the final posts will be made at - my new home for all future posts and vlogs relevant to conferences
CIPD conference blog
CIPD conference blog
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Closing Keynote - Panel session
A new leadership paradigm
Vicky Wright opens the closing session
An inspiring event – socialising, networking… we needed a session for the end of the is to continue this theme.
What sort of leaders do we need for the sustainable futures of our orgs?
An engaging and powerful introduction.
The session will be presided over by John Humphries
Gave a humorous intro, providing an insight into the intelligence of leaders based on his experience as chair of Mastermind and interviewing as a hack.
Sir Christopher Kelly
Successful leadership is defined by results. His focus in his role in public sector is about ethical leadership
7 principles of public life
1. Selfless
2. Integrity
3. Honesty
4. Openness
5. objectivity
6. accountability
7. Leadership
Good orgs need to look at how they do things not just what they do
A healthy ethical culture is likely to build in public trust and more likely to engage with people.
When there is an absence of openness and trust you can only expect problems to occur – look at the situation in government around MPs expenses
JH – can you impose ethical standards? CK you need strong leadership, its difficult to impose.
Steve Easterbrook – McDonalds
Leadership – context & qualities
Context of leadership has changes over the last few years – and those that were successful are now falling by the wayside. The context is much more complex than it used to be. It is impossible to meet all stakeholders needs at the same time – the role of the leaders is to identify the right solution in a given context.
To succeed in the new paradigm – will need 3 qualities
1. Integrity
2. Collaboration
3. Sustainability
Its cannot be the icing on the cake – it needs to be the cake.
Things need to be ethical sustainable
Values led decision making, decisions must be taken at the front line – have the values and stick to them – it provides quick and consistent solutions.
The Google generation – they have answers at their fingertips. The new generation use collaboration.
The silver approach is no longer realistic. Business in the past could have changes their position with a marketing campaign or IT system – that is no longer the case.
Senior team need to take collaboration to a new level with their peers – its no longer about silo thinking at any level
A means of creating value in and with employees.
Collaboration does not mean decision making by committee or abdication – but open communication channels
“I’ve looked at all the statues in all the parts and I have yet to see a statue of a committee”
There comes a time when we need to stop raking over the ashes and allow the new people at the top to get on with the job in front of them – not behind then
A new paragigm not just for leadership, but for HR as well.
JH – can you move on while some of those that got us into difficulties are still in post
SE – there must be a limit and allow people to move forward.
Sháá Wasmund – @shaawasmund
Historically leaders have been judged on results – recently many leaders have failed us. Where does that leave us?
Too much power in the hands of too few is a dangerous thing – but what are the options – democracy is not the best of systems – but the best we have
It will be interesting to see how social media will evolve in this area.
We are all in our own ways leaders – I want to see a future where leaders do not have the title – a future where we are all leaders and we all have responsibilities.
Stakeholders have changes
Old school thinking was a monolog – a one way communication – today things have changes – it is so very different and a dialogue
Tools like twitter share views and the importance of leadership starts to filter into every persons role.
The role of HR is changing, we can no longer look at leadership of the top few, but leadership of all employees, we need to develop these skills. Each and everyone of us lead in public life
Ethical leadership is vital as it will now be the public will judge through medis We must be genuine and honest. Do people lead out of authenticity or greed?
We will all be judges for this.
In this paradigm – we are at the beginning of the journey – not the end of it. Our responsibilities is for us to communicate these messages back to our orgs
We are all leaders – leaders without title
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JH – what is this new paradigm? Lets go back to basics – what is this?
Leader have changed for single decision making, but now they need to facilitate
The context in which we operate requires a different type of leadership not just at the top – but throughout the org. you want leaders at every level and right across the org.
Its not just about the given service deliveries – not we have to do more – environment.
The speed of feedback and communications has increased and is more transparent
A paradigm shift is a change, a shift, evolution
You cannot control social media conversations but you can influence them, we need to be seen to engage with them. The public do not expect perfection, but they do expect humans
If you offer silence – people will fill it –
When in a hole – stop digging – the only difference now is the hole is much more visible than it has ever been.
The person that makes the decision, should be held responsible for that decision.
Change is faster, expectations higher, more people having their say.
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DRAFT post
Session L2 - Releasing your peoples creative genius
Releasing your peoples creative genius
Karen Ver - Chair
Gordon Peterson –
Set the scene by measuring the energy in the group..
“has elvis left the building?”
Bono when going round asks “who is the elvis here?” what he is looking for is charisma, attitude
There is a little bit of elvis in everyone and our goal is to unleash the little bit of elvis in us
In pairs – face each other and looking at each other say I like you without smiling or laughing
As a Jedi – can you say “I love you” without laughing and smiling – they say it is impossible
There are some challenges that require us to use our social oomph
Told us a personal story of personal change, and how we often try to change but do not use the strategies that work and we wonder why.. we need to play to our strengths.
Innovation is about change, and sometimes we try to make change too early and not in the right context.
Introduces Yin/ Yang – all about balance.- doing-being
What gets lost in the doing stuff is the being how we do things.
Using simple mindsets can help us get into the mindset of
Productive creativity
The habit of doing new things to make a positive difference
Habit is counter intuitive – you don’t associate habit with doing nw things – you can build a habit of doing new things. Its not about crazytivity, its about something that can take us forward.
There is no right or wrong
Positive minded – you need a vision – how good are you and your organisations at killing ideas – 1-10
How do we kill ideas – write a report, do a business case, money, tried that before…. We are very good at killing ideas
Being able to nurture ideas is vital.
walk along a path – 3 little shoots – a genie appears
choose one…
1. rose
2. oak tree
3. gorse
what do you do? – wait nurture? See what is growing and changing
easy to say – difficult to do
in pairs – person 1 comes up with ideas to make the cipd conf better next yr
person 2 answers everyone with yes.. but
Say in your pairs
Remember that you felt like
Person 1 offers ideas to improve the conference
Person 2 answers with yes… and – offers ways of building
Recap on how people felt
When someone craps on someone’s ideas you sapp their power
How often do you have conversations of the second type – less judge mental and more supportive.
You need to be clear of what you expect from people – this is what de-bonos 6 hats is about. Being clear means you need to be careful about the language you use.
When we ask the question “what do you think?”
A better q would be “how could we make this better?”
Chris kissing the fish – there is a story behind this chris never used to like fish, he would go to dinner parties and be offered fish & DECLINED it – people took pitty on him. One day he tried it as he was wondering what he was missing out on. He tried it, found he liked it
Getting Fresh
Do you travel to work the same way?
Fav restaurant/ dish
Read the same mag/ news paper
Even when staying away sleep on the same side of the bed.
Why do we stay with our habits/ favourites.
Studies show that we can recall almost every piece of data we have ever been exposed to. We can hold an unlimited amount of data..
Why might having a lot of diff ideas in your mind – when you are looking to solve problems, if you have different experiences you have a wider pool of ideas to select from – fresh ideas
Get fresh, explore the ideas, get a fresh perspective. Buy a diff mag, go a different way to work. Consider doing something different every day – this may be as simple as going into a shop you would not otherwise go into, read a mag of something different that you would chose to read
Lighten-up! – do something frivolous
REAL – a fav company of mine is IDEO
Philosophy –
Get people engaged, bring the idea to life
Ask yourself the question – how can you bring your idea to life
Virgin spent months looking at virgin cola for months – then one day righard branson on morning TV answered the question “what is next?” he said in 6 ½ weeks is virgin cola – none of the project team knew this and were shocked, but the team delivered 6 ½ weeks later!.
BIG – do it, say it – take a personal risk. If you wait you will miss the moment. Be brave. If you take something away from this week be brave – do something
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Workshop w10 Building Innovation Capability
Facilitated by Ian Plover & Cris Beswick
22 people in the workshop where there were spaces for 32, strange as innovation is a key theme for many at the moment, I would have thought the session would have been full (31 people were expected)
Cris works in Innovation, Ian in Change management
Notes, flipcharts and other materials that are developed on the day will be sent to us later.
Ian gave the story of a former MD at Anglian Water that was your typical MD – unassuming, then took some time out & went to Harvard. When he returned he was gushing with ideas and drove change through involvement and participation.
Innovation as a tool – the challenge is to create an org that can thrive in a rapidly changing world.
Who feels that they work in an innovative org? many feel that they have innovation IN their org but not as a whole
Innovation is often seen as product or service and it is often seen to have covert teams at the top level that are innovative.
How do we increase or capacity for innovation?
To use innovation – we need to understand it.
1) innovation is not the sole domain of R&D, high tech industries or specialists
2) is not about being first
3) not about being the biggest and best
Innovation is about diversity – about people. Innovation comes from how we mix stuff together.
GM spent $8B on innovation/ R&D and they went bust – that is $1/4M per employee – but they did not innovate internally.
Strategy-people-community-physical environment-creativity-risk-leadership
Strategy – it has to be core of what we do. The word “innovation” has been bastardised by marketing teams which no longer add value. What we need to do is to pump people some value into innovation
Do you have a HR strategy? A business strategy – are they aligned?
People – as an MD I want great people – if we have poor people I want them out-quickly
Community – I want people thinking of the community in the org – doing things for other teams, not just their own – its about more than “culture” – Jim Collins – how can you be a help to others
Environment – Tom Peter – “cultivate great talent by creating great places to work-eliminate cubical slavery” look at Google, they have done things to make the workspace a place people want to be
Creativity – creativity is not about designers & wacky stuff – its about thinking differently – 20% time in Google – 20% of their time to work on ‘stuff’ they feel is the next….. this is Google giving people “white space” in their diaries. How can we give people time to help think differently? Create the environment and the time to use it.
RISK – the big one…. Risk is all relative – if we want people to be creative, if we want – mark Twain ”if you always do what you have always done..” If you don’t risk anything you risk everything. Risk is about what R&D do and call prototyping – they rarely get it right first time – they take risks, they have time for risks – but the final output is proven. Google “to organise the world’s information and make it universally accessible & useful” leadership is key to drive the vision.
Customers need to put the label “innovation” on something – not the creators…
The “Human Beings” department – rarely have I heard of HR & innovation mentioned in the same sentence
Thers is something about HR – we get on with the job and hide our lights under a bush. That is a shame as HR people are more innovative and we need to tell our businesses what we have done. If we want to be a real “business partner” we cannot wait for people to ask us – we need to take the imitative. You often see a FD on the right hand side of the MD – you rarely see HR on the left hand side.
12 yrs ago Ulrich said HR needs to be in 4 areas, HR are no good at selling ourselves – we need to learn the language of finance and marketing. David’s (Ulrich) message has never really be understood – HR has focused on T&C of work, it should be T&C of the work place. The only people that can make HR a business partner is for us to invite ourselves to the table – lead by doing and using business language.
HR is often seen as transactional, and until we change this we will never be a real “BP”
Interesting session – innovation in the org and political commentary about our role – innovation is a reason to be invited to the org
HR & Strategy
HR & People
HR & Community
HR & Environment – physical & psychological
HR & Creativity – how often are people allowed & told they are creative
HR & Risk – not about putting people lives at risk
HR & Leadership
Ulrick change agent is about changing the org in the area of human capital
Change through people not through gantt charts. No-one else in an org has the ability to change people like HR have.
Group task – brainstorm innovative areas – what great innovations have your done yourself, come across of heard of - nominate someone to feedback not to us but to everyone else in the room. – the ideas will be sent to us later.
Some innovative ideas –
1 + 3 = 5 one person carried 2 roles CEO & ops director (mat cover) devolved her roles to 3 managers where they did 5 months each, and the OPPs mgr on maternity was available to each of the managers. At the end of the period the company had significantly increased its Human capital
Confidence and competency
Keep-in-touch – diverse locations where people don’t meet, use of touch screen tech to allow people more access to intranets and social networks for people that are IT resistant
Proudly received – proudly given – a drive to share ideas openly
People want to be involved more – dialogue or monologue?
Incremental or radical innovation
If you put in the reward system people are more inclined to participate (but what is reward – we need to look at this) – In Qatar they pay managers extra to coach employees and the reward suggestion schemes with high value rewards – multiples of salary!
Tesco – where managers go “back to the floor” on a regular basis
We are about to go for a break – when you come back – leave your ‘HR’ hat outside and come back with a line manager hat on, without all the limitations of HR policy, regulations etc.
As managers – tell me what I can do – not what I cannot do
Exercise to build a culture where people want to work for and your customers want to spend money for.
We were given a scenario and asked to explore that in the context of the 7 steps from a business perspective – the what not the how at this stage.
Groups shared their thinking and ideas. This material will be “codified” and sent to us – I’ll add it here when we get it.
One concept that came up was based on the concept that Jim Collins mentioned which was to have a “not to do list” and from an L&D perspective and talent management perspectives what about having a “do not develop” list
DRAFT post
Social media come of age at CIPD conference 2009
Last night there was a small but important informal meeting of like minded people... a tweetup, more than 10 influential members of the institute met informally for the first time face to face
those that met included:
@HRPUK - a fellow lead of a (competing) HR group on LinkedIn
and of course yours truly... @rapidbi
we met @thenorthpolebar in Manchester
Also throughout the day there were meet up of : the CIPD communities group, the opportunity to meet some of the regular faces, the CIPDmembers group on LinkedIn met for lunch. People that have 'met' online start to meet and build alliances in the real world.
Why is this significant? In the press we often hear of HR functions blocking or barring social networking sites - well here is a group of professionals that met online, communicated, learnt from each other and then yesterday took the leap from virtual connections to real connections.
In a rapidly changing world HR and everyone in business need to think about communication, decision making and innovation in a different way. the future is very much about collabouation, and not just internal collaboration - but collaboration with anyone, anywhere that has the expertise and passion to contribute. The future of organisations is changing and it is likely that what is currently called "social networking" will be at the vanguard of change.
What is in a name?
Social networking as a label sounds like it is informal and an option - ell this is not so for the business world. We need to communicate and learn faster than we have ever done before, these online networks are the only technology available which can link and respond fast enough. So what should it be called?
• Business collaboration network
• business innovation networks
• business learning networks
• Human capital network
• competitive advantage network
Ok the last thing we as HR need is more jargon, however when the current name does not work for us, much like "Cif" or "Marathon" a re-brand is required.
The amount of Tweeting from this event is significant, and not from just one player - from many, most providing added value about key messages (some about marketing messages only), however most of those were exhibiting and this was 'fair game'.
This year marks more content published on blogs and twitter from 'peers' than from the HR press. I also believe that even in the coming weeks the word count from this event will outweigh that from the 'professional journalists' 3:1
There is also a difference in content. That published by many of the journalists seems to focus on political decisions and report outcomes - the 'bloggers' seem to be focused on content to help other learn from the event. This shift is an important one, and one that will grow- peer based content.
The future
The future of HR conferences in the UK will never be the same again. Organisers need to consider the needs of social networkers by providing:
• Event wide wifi - free and not timing out every 15 mins
• Power sockets to charge laptops/ smartphones
• Seating with tables for netbooks to allow bloggers to work more effectively
• Stop messages telling delegates to turn off mobile devices!
• Provide twitter streams to allow audiences to communicate with speakers
• Start to stream presentations on the web (if speakers refuse then do not use them!
• Provide more time in between session for networking - i.e. at least 1/2 hr between sessions
• Ensure there is always a Q&A session with the audience and speakers
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
session F1 Harnessing the power of social media in the workplace
On-line learning at the BBC
Its not about getting the information out – its about their behaviour – if they care enough they will look it up.
When you share something memorable, you get the relationship to a different level
Social networking is not about technology its about connections and trust.
The model of wanting people to learn is all about data – we are not, humans are not like computers, we tend to remember things that have emotional references. We surround data with a sort of emotional metadata
Blogs are more authentic then newsletters – it’s a personal insight, it comes from the heart. Internal communications & blogs are technically the same but have more human, emotional links
Social learning technologies is a bottom up approach. Most learning is informal 80% so it makes sense to use social technologies to harness this.
Most effective learning is informal through stories (metaphor) i.e. don’t touch that button, I did that once and….
In history you got to be an expert by being around for a long time, now as things change faster, expertise belongs to those that know, and seniority is no longer relevant.
Nokia have a concept of reverse mentoring, where new people mentor more senior people on technology based issues.
Social networks
Generation y is not an age thing its an attitude thing.
Formal learning is not good for retention (see long tail graph) on the other hand informal learning retention increases, the trend is that for formal learning to be squeezed to only mandatory training.
Rapid development tools are on the increase, in time this will be much more co-created, and is in effect gaining ownership and the devolvement of training.
The new role of the L&D professional is to work with the champion to transfer skills and to assist/ project manage.
Wikis are ok, they are mostly used for information dump – there is little/ no emotional engagement.
Blogs are not used (in the BBC anyone can create one – they have 300) in the way people originally thought. These people are increasingly seen as thought leaders. The impact that these blogs have are greater then traditional communications. The blog enables the story behind the decision, not just the outcome, but the process. The human element.
These social networks provide people with the opportunity to contribute. There ideas and thoughts at a peer level. To drive contribution a competition was set and the best videos on the bbc MOO site are chose to be commissioned into programmes for bbc3
This approach uses a croudsourcing methodology.
Does it work
The truth is if you try to introduce one in your org it tends not to work, this is mainly as most people like to lurk, rather than contribute.
You need to drive the environment artificially (pump prime) so that people start to see and feel comfortable. Feed it with best practice content, open it up to comments, then open t so that anyone can contribute.
The biggest problem is that most orgs have not determined if they want it or if it is legitimate yet.
This requires a shift in the role of L&D, we need to stop being experts and be seen ore as curators and coaches.
The trick is not about technology, but to find someone with passion.
This enables agility
The best models of L&D take best practice and strive to share
These blogs and environments need to be ‘informal’ they do not work as well when they are seen to be official.
Elearning professionals group on Facebook run by nick, currently has over 5000 members.
Draft post
Session D1 Beyond Employee Engagement
- Invest in the management of the programme
- Attention to detail
- Link to everything – data internal and external
Employee engagement surveys
Session c2 Unlocking Leadership Talent
On a 10 point scale look at you as a leader as how proud/ satisfied you are with the impact you have had over the world so far..?
Leadership development be more like yourself..
For years we have spent trying to be more like others
We profile ourselves to se how much we are not like xx famous people
The one thing leaders have in common is not style, but they are themselves. There is coherence between what they believe, say, do….
Only when we realise that talent lives in the individual the quicker the return on investment
Our goal is to unlock human talent – help them to be themselves
This is very different from where we have been developing people.
HSBC – have invested in leadership, they are reporting 50% increase in sales where this programme has been launched
Helping individuals to find themselves as a natural leader.
Individuals grow as their value as a leader, its about alignment
LAT leadership alignment tool…
Leadership – the ability to generate changes that add value
These things need to be aligned
The cost of staying misaligned is more than the change to get aligned. Doing this with many in the org at one time is a large lever for change
Opposite of leadership – victimship not being able to make anything happen but having a good reason for it
Victimship has an ongoing cost for you as a human being… how will this impact how you feel about your contribution?
If you want to see the real changes associated with leadership we need to get people out of victimship – and it is risky for those in it.
The minute we see challenges as a problem we are missing the point
The contextual stuff is exactly what we need for great leadership.
Forget about memorising the values.. based on what we do and HOW we do it what do you think the values are?
The brain is looking for patterns and this is critical – if we say look out for x things but only give y their brain feels trapped (thinking traps) – I,e all or nothing
Normal distribution – most of us fall in a normal boring world – the brain however like extremes.
The brain also over generalises..
The problem is when we over generalise in the negative – this can stop change in its tracks.
Fortune telling is another brain trap – “I know exactly what is going to happen”…the belief that I know the future stops people from trying change
When pushing resistance becomes a habit then you move towards the tipping point and culture change starts.
Take some of these concepts and start to challenge
Draft post
Session b2 Transformational leadership
Performance driven, values led
Most of our growth will come from emerging markets and this means diversity at a senior mgt level
Double solid line reporting:
Functional boss and business unit boss
In the past leadership dev programmes were for the top 100 or so people –i.e. those in post, we realised that we needed to look at those with potential.
The next step was a programme for those that would be in the top 100 in the coming 1-2 years. What they then needed to do was to start to build the pipeline.
This was built from scratch to meet the org needs.
“total business leaders” no longer able to rely on their functional expertise.
Model of leadership – Judgement, Drive, Influence triangle model.
Important “drive to have impact” and “self awareness” are important to the org and
Spotting issues and framing are key strategic skills
The programme stretches participants self awareness
Looked to use ‘volunteering’ as a key part of the programme – where there was a win for the ‘client’ and learning for the leader.
A simple idea…. 3 circle model
IT – the “it” of leadership – the IT is massive
Most people attending the org are focused on IT and they realise that ME & US is important – the goal is to achieve balance.
The programme is summarised as “meet ALICE”
This is a 5 day learning event. A lot of stakeholder engagement was used to achieve the duration of the programme – at both business & functional levels.
The research suggested that a standalone programme we integrated the prog with coaching – 4 pre event calls and 3 post event
We also coach the line manager of the delegate, so that they experience some of the context what their people were going through.
See photo, bits in pink were with the voluntary org and ‘real’ work to be completed by the end of day 5
Fantastic leadership can lead to sustainability
Draft post
Session A2- Emanmanuel Gobillot
Leadership is contextual not situational
Welcomed us to leave our technology on and tweet!
Showed video clip “ did you know
Its not just about the data in the film, but how it came to be –
We live in a world where content is being generated and distributed differently
What are the trends for leadership?
4 trends:
1) Data
2) Expertise – but models are changing
3) Attention
4) Democratic
Leadership is DEAD
Increasingly we are working with people who are not like is
Companies v-s org
Mass customization – crowdsourcing – mass participation – mass collaboration
Why have an org? it used to be cheaper to bring people together to produce. When you bring people in you shut talent out.
Where to focus – one –to-one one-to-many….
How can I follow you if I don’t know you are there?
If you are not followed you are not leading
The “ikeazation” of work… you are involved in the design, resourcing assembly etc…throughout this experience we are faced with different roles
What it means to work is changing
Work used to define us…
We need engagement, alignment
Engagement – we engage through clarity, this is a fundamental misunderstanding of what people want is mess, what we don’t want is mess to the point of being stressful
Rather than clarity we want simplicity simplicity=simplification + coherence
Coherence = punctualisation (functions.. makes sense…)
Humans align through narratives…. We share stories, people know what we mean through our tone and story..
The Elvis fallacy is everywhere a like less conversation more action – this is not true, if you restrict conversations, your directives need to be more comprehensive.
How do you achieve a sense of accountability – Roles
You have to be clear of the tasks and want to do it – why you do it does not matter.
Some tasks are maintenance & accountability if there is coherence then people will do the tasks that they don’t want to for the ‘greater good’
Commitment – how do you get commitment – you buy it. It feels like commitment but it is not commitment – its prostitution.. when someone else offers more they are gone. The commitment is gone. Love is our ability to value, nurture and help other people to grow – remember the advert – everyone remembers a great teacher.
“have I made that person feel stronger and more capable?” if you have you have ‘loved them’
Coronary heart disease – 90% of people with this choose death few chose to change.. so even when faced with the data and reality, many fail to make a decision and take appropriate action.
draft post
CIPD 2009 Keynote session & welcome
Reflection on a turbulent economy
Last year was the days after the collapse of Lehman broths
We are in a stat of flux. Some say the recession is over, but most feel that the recession is hitting
Predicting the end is not important, what is, is dealing with the current
High calibre HR professionals are important. It is clear now that the nature of the orgs we create is critical for the performance of our orgs.
The difference for the success is leadership and culture – when an org out grows its ability to provide talent leads to a collapse. Sustainable performance is critical
Hr needs to be a broad church – generalists & specialists – and those with a diverse background.
HR need to understand the interplay between people and business process – not just what you do but how you do it.
Deep understanding or your org and its context enables you to devise strategy to lead the organisation and create the greatest impact.
Understanding or your org is your starting point.
Knowledge – activity & behaviour
Jim Collins – the quest for greatness
His 2nd only visit to the UK the last was to Harrogate 5 yrs ago
Everyone in the room shares a passion – the right people and the right who
Far more important than what we do, is who we do it with… first who then what.
It all goes back to a driving force for curiosity –
Its not just about success – but CONTRAST – who were in the same situation and the comparisons did not make that success – contrast the ones that did not make the leap are those are those that figured out what to do then find the people – the great get the people then found out what to do (30 yr time line graphic)
Give the same circumstances – some become great others don’t – its is not the context/ circumstance – it’s a function of choice and discipline.
We learn as much from failure as we do from success – studying failure is of value.
Both grow at the same rate – but at some point one may fall (how the mighty fall) the process of decline is scary.
Like cancer – you look healthy on the outside but be ill on the inside (decline unlike cancer is self inflicted)
Five stages of decline – three of them look healthy from the outside.
You can fall to the end of stage 4 and come back as a great enterprise.
Is the journey depressing? We are all vulnerable to a point and to know that even if you stumble, it is still in our own hands to come back – gives me some hope.
The world is challenging for us – rate the environment in which you operate – 1 everything is in your control (1-10) 10 is environment big forces, high uncertainty turbulence
Put your hand up if you are… 1-4 5-7 8-9
Control of our destiny is in our choices not our environment – decline is self inflicted, so is growth!
Light – success… dark – failure
Lets look at both sides
What do you need to do differently?
It never hurts to reinforce the basics – level 5 leadership
Why would orgs fail to succeed.. ???
Fail to embrace the new
Fail to apply the fundamentals consistently and brilliantly
Hubris – outrageous suffering (look this up)
The moment you think you are great… you are not!
The very greatest orgs gave the greatest credit to others rather than themselves, even when the evidence suggests otherwise. If you ‘worry’ that you are lucky then you tend to work hard at success – if you think it is you, we tend to stop (Mike - remember status group)
I’m a leadership sceptic, you cannot remove a leader and expect good results? Many good to great ‘leaders’ have had a charisma bypass…
The type of leadership is what matter.. in great they had level 5 leaders – the contrast level 4
The difference between level 4 & 5 – humility – obsessive compulsion for the cause – not for themselves – their ego is channelled outward – not about them.
Level 5 is not about personality, some have it some don’t
The relevant question is.. What are you in it for? Great CEOs would die for their culture…
Those in power, root causes – what is the truth of their ambition, stripped for the truth – are they really in it first for themselves? In ever single case for decline at the end of stage 2 there is a problematic succession of power issue
No single person can make a great enterprise
On a downswing, the wrong person with power can single handed can bring the organisation down.
What are you doing to ensure that does not happen.
You may think that orgs fail because they become complacement – this is true, nut not how the mighty fall – over-reaching – too much growth…
How would you know if you are overreaching? There are few ‘laws’ of management – “Packard’s law” (from HP Packard)
Look at Rubbermaid – too many new products too often.
If you allow growth to exceed your ability to have enough of the right people in the right seats to manage that growth – you will fall
Great leaders say “I don’t know” because they don’t know what is going to happen
The data suggests that the great people do not vision the future – what they do better is they prepare for what they cannot predict.
Get the right people on the bus, get the wrong people off the buss – then the right people in the right seats.
Use whatever competencies you have – that when fin are discussed an even more important number is discussed – number of seats and right people on the bus – how many key seats, is it filled with the right people is it going up or down? Do this before any other business numbers. We love numbers this is the uber number.
Can you get that accomplish this before you attend next year?
Is your team on the way up or down?
When something is ugly – that is the thing to look at and examine.
Look at the Stockdale paradox – Admiral Stockdale – how did the situation not ‘put him down’ “I never wavered in my faith that I would get out, and that I would value the experiences” who did not make it out – the optimists.. those that said we would be out by Christmas… then Christmas would come and go…you must never confuse the need to face the facts with the unwavering faith that you will win in the end.
Like Shirlock Holmes – it’s the dogs that do not bark that give more away that is apparent at first.
No incentive system can transform good to great leaders
The right people are self motivating – the role of leaders is not to motivate,
The task is to find self motivated people and find ways not to de-motivate them
You do not need external people to ‘light’ the organisation.
Stag 4 grasping for survival – how do you respond? – basics.. right people, right seats…. Or do we grasp for salvation with a new leaders from the outside? If that silver bullet does not work.. well get another? If you stay here long enough you will go to stage 5
No leaders can do anything useful in less than 7 years –
Change does not happen overnight
Keep pushing in a consistent and intelligent direction.. it’s the small consistent steps that work not the sliver bullet
3 circles…. Focus on the middle.. we need the discipline to stay in the 3 circles
Think about it from a people standpoint – its not just an org value.
Imagine not taking a job unless the job fits your 3 circles.
Passion--best in the world--economic
If you have a to do list – do you have a stop doing list?
You have to have a personal reason to succeed….the reason to be must be much greater than just increasing shareholder value – it needs to be emotionally tangible
When we are under pressure do not compromise values – you will not have the strength to endure.
Hold your value – change your practices (yin yang slide)
The signature of mediatory is chronic inconsistency.
In the last 10 mins I would like to give you a to do list..
Be productively subservice to your orgs
1) conduct your diagnostics – a diagnostic tool – good to great diagnostic)
2) before you return you somehow implement Packards law – how many seats
3) build a personal board of directors – chosen not for their success but for their character
4) turn off you electronic gadgets – discipline thoughts take time to process give ‘white space’ time engage in thinking at least 3 days every 2 weeks
5) what is your questions to statements ratio, can you double it ----focus on being interested rather than interesting….
6) Help org build a council and make sure the co focuses on its 3 circles
7) Start your stop doing list – work is infinite – time is not?
8) Replace titles with responsibilities – the right people have resp not jobs
9) Re articulate and re commit to the value, no matter what the pressure you will not budge from
10) Set your Big Hairy Audacious goals BHAGS – 15-25 years in the future
Its easy to focus on survival…. The real question is… How can you be useful?
This entry is a raw input from notes taken in the session, in the coming weeks these will be refined
Monday, 16 November 2009
its all go in Manchester
CIPD09 and beyond
Remember the event site containing blogs, discussions and networking opportunities.
If you are a user of the CIPD communities then this link will prove invaluable - Latest posts
For those that want to network "outside" the CIPD systems there is always the CIPDmembers group on LinkedIn and the conference networking group
You can also follow the action on Twitter
Hope to see you there
Sunday, 1 November 2009
CIPD Manchester 2009 - speakers
HR Director
Abbey Facing up to Global HR Challenges
Mark Adlestone
Managing Director
Beaverbrooks the Jewellers All You Need is Love
Sanjiv Ahuja
Chairman and CEO
Augere and former CEO, Orange SA Transformational Leadership
Greig Aitken
Group Head of Human Capital Strategy
Royal bank of Scotland Group Developing HR Metrics that Support the Organisational Strategy
Lacey All
Head, Strategic Talent Initiatives
Starbucks Coffee Co. Building a Strategic Workforce Planning Framework
Mike Anderson
Head of Corporate Strategy
DEFRA Working Together for Sustained Organisational Performance
Julie Armstrong
HR Director
Manchester Airport Communicating with impact: achieving buy-in and engagement
Anthony Arter
Partner, Head of Pensions
Eversheds Recession Driven Employment Law and Pension Issues
Javier Bajer
Founding CEO
The Talent Foundation Unlocking Leadership Talent
Christine Bamford
Director of Leadership
National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Fighting Back Through Talent Innovation
Chris Barez-Brown
Founder, Upping Your Elvis, author of How to Have Kick Ass Ideas and former Global Head of Innovation Capability and Director
?What If! Releasing Your People’s Creative Genius
Angela Baron
Adviser, Employee Engagement
CIPD Demonstrating How Performance Management Drives Organisational Improvement
Sylvia Baumgartner
Labyrinth Coaching & Consulting, Embodied Learning and Transformation (formerly OD Principal Consultant for Roffey Park Institute) Facilitating OD Interventions
Nick Baylis
Director for Training in the Skills of Well-being
The Cambridge Well-being Consultancy The Rough Guide to Happiness
John Beadle
Group Head, Human Capital Performance
Standard Chartered Bank The Death of Performance Related Pay and the Bonus Culture?
David Benson
Head of Talent and Resourcing
Oxfam GB Building Capability: the agile organisation
Sir Howard Bernstein
Chief Executive
Manchester City Council Driving Transformational Change
Cris Beswick
Managing Director
Let’s Think Beyond Building Innovation Capability
Stephanie Bird
Director HR Capability
CIPD Leading the HR Function
Christine Brereton
Deputy Director for People and Development
Greater Manchester Police HR: Adding Value and Driving Change
W. Warner Burke
Edward Lee Thorndike Professor of Psychology and Education, and Chair, Department of Organisation and Leadership, Teachers College, Columbia University Organisational Development
Lou Burrows
Global People Team Leader
?What If! Harnessing the Power of Social Media in the Workplace
Cathy Butterworth
Director of People and Development
Greater Manchester Police HR: Adding Value and Driving Change
Steven Cahill
Global Employer Services, Deloitte LLP The Death of Performance Related Pay and the Bonus Culture?
Andrew Campbell
Ashridge Strategic Management Centre and co-author of Designing Effective Organisations Organisation Design
Janice Caplan
The Scala Group and the ACE Network Europe Developing People Across Cultural and National Boundaries
Peter Cheese
Managing Director, Talent and Organisation Performance
Accenture A New Approach to Talent Management
Rebecca Clake
Adviser – HR Practice Development
CIPD Developing a Leadership Culture
Deborah Clarke
Joint Director of HR
London borough of Tower Hamlets and Tower Hamlets Primary Care Trust Window on the Future of Business, Diversity and Inclusion
Nita Clarke
Involvement and Participation Association (IPA) The Government Engagement Review: findings and the next steps
Wayne Clarke
Managing Partner
Best Companies All You Need is Love
Jim Collins
Author of Good to Great and Co-author of Built to Last
The Quest for Greatness
An Audience with Jim Collins
Joe Connor
National Regional Resourcing Manager
Royal Mail HR Services, Royal Mail Transformational Leadership
Anne Copeland
Director of HR
Department for Children, Schools and Families Building Capability: the agile organisation
Charles Cotton
Public Policy, Adviser
Reward, CIPD The Perfect Pensions Storm
Richard Crouch
Head of HR and OD
Somerset County Council HR’s Role in Organisational Development
Siobhan Cummins
Managing Director Europe
ORC Worldwide Facing up to Global HR Challenges
Andy Dickson
General Manager
Impact International Practically Engaging
Practically Engaging
Sharon Doherty
Group HR and Organisational Effectiveness Director
Laing O’Rouke Beyond Business Partnering: truly aligning HR with the business
Joe Dugdale
Director of Human Resources & Organisational Directorate
UK Border Agency Transforming HR Efficiency in the Public Sector
Steve Easterbrook
President and Chief Executive Officer
McDonald’s UK, President, Northern Division, McDonald’s Europe A New Leadership Paradigm
Mary Edmunds
Head of HR, OD and Talent
Barclays Bank Beyond Employee Engagement
Rick Emslie - Principal - Emslie Analytics
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
CIPD annual conference 2009 - Manchester
This is the first year that the CIPD is moving its conference from Harrogate to Manchester on the 17-19 November. It will be interesting to see how this move works. certainly moving from Harrogate - when it was the only conference in town, to Manchester where there will be other events on at the same time will be a cultural change for the event in many ways.
In days gone by, the CIPD 'main event' was surrounded by a number of unofficial fringe events - will the move to Manchester spark that same level of entrepreneurship?
Are you planning to go?
If you are into twitter check out hash-code #cipd09
Friday, 3 April 2009
#HRD09 are you going
What are you going for? what are you hoping to achieve?
Monday, 19 January 2009
Learning Technologies 2009
Mike will be blogging from here at see you there.
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
World of Learning conference and exhibition
Friday, 17 October 2008
HR v Personnel - reality or branding?
Certainly this is one of the many assignments people undertake as part of their CPP or other HR based qualification, or is it just that some authors are trying to sell books on the back of attempting to get students to differentiate between two sides of the same coin?
Monday, 29 September 2008
Crime Scene Investigators - a role for HR
The role of Crime Scene investigation has been popularised by US TV, but can HR professionals learn from their methods?
Is there a place for looking at the dead in organisations?
Read more about CSI in HR
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Employee Engagement
I have started to compile a roundup of the various approaches to Employee Engagement models so check back for updates...
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
CPD for CIPD members and conference delegates
What did you learn at the conference? or what have you learnt from this blog or from articles about sessions from the conference.
Key learning
Key learning for me was that many of the speakers were highlighting the importance of engagement of employees (both current and future) to the culture of the organisation, rather than the traditional corporate approach of competence recruitment. This is particularly interesting as the six years I spent working with SME's I noticed that many entrepreneurial owner managers recruit to 'fit', in the company rather than skills as the priority. They would prefer to recruit to culture and attitude and then to train in-house. Although many did not recognise this as training. This has interesting implications for governmental initiatives like train to gain, as these are skill, qualification or competence based programmes
Press reports on the CIPD annual conference
A round up
I thought that we were setting a new pace in blogging but Personnel Today did something unexpected - they transcribed the keynote sessions for example Jackie Orme keynote and Surviving and thriving through turbulence . These are useful transcriptions for the keynote sessions.
People Managements site offers us Keep cool and talk during tough times
John Philpot on the CIPD site blog - a scant entry as part of his overall offer.
On TrainingZone Annie Hayes provided an overview of the event.
It will be interesting to see the articles that arise in the coming weeks from the conference content.
Earlier press coverage
Earlier in the year the announcement of the CIPD's decision to move from Harrogate to Manchester caused upset as can be read about in the Yorkshire Post - but can the CIPD be blamed? Customers have increasing demands on suppliers and it appears that while the venue has adapted - the infrastructure around the conference centre has sat back and relaxed. The CIPD annual conference is the second largest conference held annually in Harrogate.
Experience the annual conference and exhibition
Unfortunately they appear to have missed:
- The community regulars...
- The community moderator...
- CIPD staff...
- The Apprentices
- Yours truly
But I am sure YOU are there - have a look.... watch the vox pops video
What do you think of the video - does it inspire you to attend Manchester 2009?
For those that want to know more about vox pops at wikipedia, vox pops can be powerful tools for employee engagement, measuring staff satisfaction etc as well as for event promotion.
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Presentations from the CIPD annual conference
It appears that some presenters have not given permission... a shame as people have seen them and versions of the presentations were given out in a handout form (small & black and white). If the presenters did not want people copying them they could have been made available as a secure PDF. This is particularly true for some of the presenters who had far too much data on a slide to be visible in the conference session itself. A/V skills (the use of visual aids) of presenters is another topic for another day....
Towards the future
I would urge the CIPD in the furure not to engage with speakers for events that are not willing to share resources (be it PPT or PDF format). We are now firmly in the knowledge age and we should only be engaging with people that are prepared to share. The conference circuit is a wonderful sales opportunity for many of these individuals (they get paid to speak and they get the opportunity to 'sell' their services to many other potential purchasers) and the cost of sharing knowledge should be one they are prepared to pay...
Monday, 22 September 2008
MyEvent - is it or isn't it...?
It is a shame as the promised networking from this facility appears to be a bit of a pipe dream... at least at this stage. This may well be down to too few early adopters registering on the system and more down to the users than the system itself.
Some of the facilities are 'restricted by administrator'...maybe someone has forgotten to throw the 'switch' and I am sure it will all work wonderfully when this is corrected....
Update -
Having spoken to the Conference Producer, it appears that some of the functionality is available only to users with certain profiles - this was a challenge the CIPD community had last year - so looks like it is just teething problems.
The expectation of the presentations being available 'instantly' was an expectations management difficulty - the wording on the handouts saying one thing but realistically the conference organisers needing time to confirm changes with speakers - so with the reassurance that content will be available in a couple of days all is well in MyEvent land.
User Error
With any new system there are two types of error - errors in software.. and user errors.
When I experienced errors when searching I was searching from the wrong page - so the results I obtained were not what I expected - at the right page it was working fine... DOH!
The future
It looks like the CIPD are continuing to invest in this platform and it will provide members and event attendees with some very useful facilities in the future... Next test HRD 2009
When the teething difficulties have been sorted (common with all new IT systems) and users educated (it is very different from traditional forums) and integrated with the existing CIPD community forums, this will be a tremendous facility for all members - taking membership facilities to a new level.
MyEvent... is it or isn't it....
Well that is not a CIPD decision, this is down to users to make use of the excellent facility made available to event delegates. I would encourage CIPD branches to consider educating members in the use of this technology so that when members attend events they can make the most out of it.
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Reflections on the CIPD annual conference and exhibition
- Delegate
- visitor
- Exhibitor
- CIPD Staff
- or the Press
Will you attend Manchester next year? Why?
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Final round in the exhibition halls


Dove Nest Group (DNG)


DPG and MAP (Goldilocks with the three bears?)



People Management
On your feet and ready for action... ever ready?
I hope that all the exhibitors obtained the amount of business they deserve based upon the amount of effort each person on each stand delivered... go home.. put your feet up and soak in the bath..... World of learning, HRD and learning technologies are just around the corner.. hope to see you again in 2009 in Manchester.
The Apprentices & other celebrity's in Harrogate - Raising the bar
The Apprentice at the CIPD
Kristina Grimes and Jennifer Celerier
The Apprentice at the CIPD
Did you meet Alan Sugar's former apprentices Kristina Grimes and Jennifer Celerier?
They have been in the exhibition representing their company kgjcp, meeting people and promoting their event "Raising the bar" a performance excellence event featuring Jack Black.
What other celebrity's did you meet?
Who else was among us but did not have a stream of press following ?
CIPD celebrity's
Other celebrity's I met included many of the CIPD staff who were quietly ensuring that the event went well and delegates and visitors found their way around - I won't mention everyone by name - but you know who you are - well done and thank you.
Yes you are HR heroes too.
Be a hero - a HR hero
The theme of this years event has been HR individuals as organisational heroes. Each session has commencement with a short, yet punchy video showing HR professionals doing a wide range of activities. Key messages were:
- Challenge
- Drive performance
- Predicting the future
- Leading change
All around the exhibition have been references and activities promoting the "individual practitioner" as a hero.
Delegates have had the opportunity of video blogging their thoughts, have their photo taken in a seaside style cut-out and several other fun and lighthearted activities. I suspect much of this will make its way into People Management and the CIPD site in the coming months.
At the begining of each session a short video was played - this was based on the theme of the HR hero... No version of this appear on Youtube or the CIPD site - so appologies for the quality.
Talking talent (in turbulent times)
Closing Keynote
This panel session was introduced by Vicky Wright , President of the CIPD. Wright in her introduction directed us to the fact that all four of these organisations had one thing in common - they have all experienced and are experiencing transition currently.Jon Snow facilitated the session featuring;
- David Smith - ASDA
- Liane Hornsey - Google
- Alex Wilson - BT
- Satish Pradhan - Tata Sons
Snow's opening words were "in the 20 years of Channel 4 news I can only think of two major events that have impacted all of us. One was 9/11 the other is our current economic challenge "
Snow posed a number of question to the panel and this was followed by the opportunity to ask questions. Below is a summary of key messages from each of the panel:
David Smith -
"you have to have an employer brand.. and mean it"
"it (business) is not just about making money, we must make money ethically and stability"
"one of the roles of HR is to say the unpopular messages/ news to the CEO"
"HR & Business strategy are the same thing"
"we recruit to the culture more than skills - all staff including hourly paid staff have to complete a 1/2 day assessment centre as part of the recruitment process. If they are gregarious, we will hire them, if they are shy or difficult we don't want them."
"we set out to befriend our people, managers are expected to know their people at an individual level"
Alex Wilson
"The further staff are away from the front line the more we (and other organisations) need to remember that customers are important."
"This is our (HR) time, now we need to shine in the tough times"
"our first choice in tough times is always redeployment rather than redundancy" - The alumni of people that have left the organisation is bigger than that employed - we do what we can for the majority to remain advocates"
Liane Hornsey
"HR is about picking the right people for the job. Google will not compromise - we only hire people that will add value to Google". Hornsey mentioned one example of this where she has a vacant head of HR post for over 18 months as she has yest to find a suitable candidate.
In answer to a question about retention strategy for Google...
"We make the environment a place people want to be
We develop people relentlessly
We give then the work (and challenge) they enjoy"
Google also recruit to the culture not the job - often recruiting people without offering a particular role and then work with the individuals to find the right role for them.
At Google they use people and their hobbies and encourage people to run workshops and short training sessions on their hobby - this helps to create a culture of learning and people are free to attend anytime - they do not need to ask permission to attend - the business trusts that this action will encourage loyalty and a drive to work harder.
Satish Pradhan
"always use the best people to solve the biggest challenges"
"communicate what you are doing.. why you are doing it and most importantly in an authentic way. You must do what is right for that business, not just for the stakeholders."
Diversity is not a universal formula, and what is relevant for one organisation and context. Successfully businesses cannot work to a mathematical formula to diversity. What is right for one is not necessarily right for another.
Tata is an organisation that is run more like a federation rather than a traditional hierarchy, so they enable and empower people. Tata believe governance and culture is critical. Often staff that were employed under previous owners can do and deliver given the right context.
You cannot and must not see unions as adversaries... you must see them as advocates, if you don't take this approach you lose before you start.
The Close
Wright summarised the week and reminded us that this week is the changing face of business. Wright reminded us that Orme had earlier said in the week that the CIPD is changing to provide "relevant help to you".. just in time.
Wright had the belief that the conference had provided delegates with "relevant things you can take away... something new that you can do... HR and the role of HR is changing"
- Wright reminded us that Harrogate had been the home of the annual conference for 60 years (IPM, IPD etc..) and that they needs to change. The move to Manchester in 2009 would provide:
- Better exhibition space on one level
- The conference would be different - more relevant and provide more opportunities
- Smaller groups
- Select master classes
- More events within the exhibition space (this has worked well for the last two years)
- A more intimate environment
Wright also reminded us that the CIPD annual conference and exhibition 2009 would take place in NOVEMBER 2009... see you there...
This was an engaging and fitting end to the conference, we have had the Academics, the CEO's and finished with the HR directors. It was a shame that the audience by this session was somewhat depleted, many traveling back home and not fully engaged with the whole event. There were so many messages that would benefit many HR team members.
Now to travel home, to reflect on the weeks events and the overall impact of the exhibition and conference.. but that I will leave for another day.